Basic income works and we need it now — we have the data to show it. Below you'll find a talking points factsheet, research reports, and articles showing why basic income is a good investment in Canadians and in our economy.
In this 2-part series, we show 1) How to pay for a Guaranteed Basic Income that reduces poverty by 50%, with little or no impact on most working Canadians while encouraging economic growth; and 2) How to pay for Recovery UBI that reduces poverty by 100%.
In this 2-part series, we show 1) How to pay for a Guaranteed Basic Income that reduces poverty by 50%, with little or no impact on most working Canadians while encouraging economic growth; and 2) How to pay for Recovery UBI that reduces poverty by 100%.
A 2020 report by the Canadian Centre for Economic Analysis showed that basic income could grow Canada's economy $80B/year, create 600K jobs, and support workers & businesses — while ending poverty.
A 2020 report by the Canadian Centre for Economic Analysis showed that basic income could grow Canada's economy $80B/year, create 600K jobs, and support workers & businesses — while ending poverty.
UBI Works has compiled a Basic Income Talking Points guide, backed by decades of evidence showing that basic income works. We invite you to use this as a resource and share it with other activists and politicians who may find it helpful.
UBI Works has compiled a Basic Income Talking Points guide, backed by decades of evidence showing that basic income works. We invite you to use this as a resource and share it with other activists and politicians who may find it helpful.
More than 1.1 million families are receiving $600/month or more from the Canada Child Benefit. It grows our economy $2 for every $1 invested, creates jobs, and lifts Canadian families out of poverty.
More than 1.1 million families are receiving $600/month or more from the Canada Child Benefit. It grows our economy $2 for every $1 invested, creates jobs, and lifts Canadian families out of poverty.
A Guaranteed Minimum Income solves poverty, while a Universal Basic Income gives you a share of our economy. We explain the differences between what these two schemes accomplish and how they can work together.
A Guaranteed Minimum Income solves poverty, while a Universal Basic Income gives you a share of our economy. We explain the differences between what these two schemes accomplish and how they can work together.
Life is getting harder for most people. Maintaining a middle class and pathways into it will be impossible without a basic income. We explore how technology and and stagnating wages are squeezing Canadians, and why we need basic income now.
Life is getting harder for most people. Maintaining a middle class and pathways into it will be impossible without a basic income. We explore how technology and and stagnating wages are squeezing Canadians, and why we need basic income now.
A 2020 report by the Canadian Centre for Economic Analysis showed how basic income could create jobs and grow the economies of B.C., the prairie provinces, Ontario, Quebec, and the Atlantic provinces.
A 2020 report by the Canadian Centre for Economic Analysis showed how basic income could create jobs and grow the economies of B.C., the prairie provinces, Ontario, Quebec, and the Atlantic provinces.
To shift the conversation about basic income to recognize it as an economic need and economic opportunity, with the goal of seeing UBI implemented in Canada.
We want a Canada where everyone can pursue their potential and not be held back by basic material constraints or unsafe environments.
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